GNBS to calibrate temperature guns used during COVID-19 pandemic
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) on Friday stated that all infrared temperature guns that are being used to check body temperature have to be calibrated.
GNBS in a release stated that it is necessary to prevent error in the accuracy in the measurement of temperature.
The organisation recommended that all users of infrared temperature guns follow the listed guidelines. One such guideline is to label temperature guns in English. The body added that the methods of use for temperature guns vary in terms of range and conditions, and the manufacturer’s guidelines should always be strictly followed when using these devices.
“Do not touch the sensory areas of temperature guns, cleaning must be done according to the set guidelines by manufacturers, the device should not be dropped or expose to physical shocks, always store the device properly when not in use; this is key to prolonging its life and accuracy, and the devices for ear measurement must not be used to take readings on the skin,” the GNBS stated.
The organisation further underscored that they have the capacity to verify infrared temperature guns with a minimum measuring range of 16.5 cm.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) advisories on infrared thermometers which assist in efforts to combat COVID-19, highlight common problems that may occur if the thermometers are not properly handled.
“With the ear thermometers, it can most times show inaccurate and inconsistent measurements. The inconsistent technique can lead to contradictory temperature readings. Earwax and skin/oil build-up on the probe can lead to inaccuracy. Poor penetration, improper aiming, or obstruction will result in significantly lowered readings. There can be many malfunctions result from thermometers if it’s being dropped”, the WHO stated.