Golden Grove traffic rank named “Best Cop” for 2021

As the Guyana Police Force (GPF) hosted its annual award and prize-giving ceremony on Thursday, Sergeant Moalchand Jadunandan of the Golden Grove Police Station, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was lauded for his dedication throughout the year and was named the Force’s “best cop”.

Best Cop: Sergeant Moalchand Jadunandan

The 35-year-old father of three joined the Force in March 2008 and is now the Subordinate Officer-in-Charge of the Golden Grove Traffic Department, having served as an accident investigator for the past 14 years.
Jadunandan has 238 ticketed offences under his belt with 80 convictions.
“I am very happy to be the best cop in the Guyana Police Force for the first time. The work is very hard, but you gotta be dedicated, be hardworking, be disciplined,” he said.
For his outstanding performance, he was awarded $150,000, from the Queensway Security Service, and a trip for two to the Arrowpoint Nature Resort and Kaieteur Falls, from Roraima Airways. He was also presented with $100,000 and a trophy.

Deputy Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, Police Commissioner (ag) Nigel Hoppie and Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken along with the awardees

Sergeant Komal Pitama of Regional Division 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) was awarded the runner-up best cop position for the year.

Runner-up best cop, Sergeant Komal Pitama

Pitama joined the force in 2005, and is performing the functions of the Officer in Charge of Crime in Region 10. He was previously awarded the best cop status. “I am delighted to know that I was selected to be the runner-up; I felt very excited,” he expressed.
For this year, the runner-up managed to solve eight murders, five of which are before the court and the other three are awaiting legal advice.
He also contributed to intelligence-led operations such as eradication exercises under which $106.1 billion in marijuana fields was destroyed.
“Since I joined the Guyana Police Force, my aim is to ensure that justice prevails, and that is my aim to ensure people get the justice they need and I have a zeal and zest to go after criminals,” Pitama explained.
He was awarded $100,000 and a trophy for being the best cop for his division along with other monetary prizes for his team.
Meanwhile, a number of other ranks of the GPF who also did exceptionally well this year were recognised and awarded on Thursday at the Force’s Annual Awards.
The awardees received trophies coupled with incentives to the tune of $32.4 million.
A team of investigators and detectives from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) received over $1 million in incentives for solving several cases for the year.
Among those cases were the murder of Doctor Colin Roach, who was found dead in his office in November; the murder of 10-year-old Anthony Cort in March and the murder of Indira Lall, a security guard, among other crimes.
Also, two children of fallen officers were awarded $50,000 after participating in a recent regional essay competition.
Other groups such as the Central Immigration and Passport Office, Tactical Services Unit, Police Band, Police Textile Section and Shop, Presidential Guard, and Information Technology Department, among others, were also awarded.
As it relates to the best cop for each regional division, they were all awarded $100,000 each along with a trophy.
They were identified as CID – Detective Inspector Nigel Stephen; Region One – Constable Arrindell; Region Two – Sergeant Benjamin; Region Three – Constable Smith; Region Four A – Corporal Reid; Region Four B – Sergeant Jadunandan; Region Four C – Assistant Superintendent Jermine Dufu; Region Five – Constable Grant; Region Six – Assistant Superintendent Jemaine Bacon; Region Seven – Sergeant Hyman; Region Eight – Corporal Nandram; Region Nine – Constable Osborne and Region 10 – Sergeant Pitama.
The Sportswoman of the Year was adjudged to be Woman Rural Constable Aaliyah Moore, Sportsman of the Year, Rural Corporal Andrew Fowler, and Sports Personality, Rural Constable Mark Scott.