– “Big John” wins Masters
At the conclusion of the second annual RAW National Power Lifting Championships on Sunday at the Critchlow Labour College, 18-year-old Romario Gonsalves unofficially broke the World Record in the 59 kilogram (kg) class.
Gonsalves, representing, Life Gym, was judged the overall winner for the sub junior and the open categories via wilks points, which determine the winner by calculations using athletes’ body weight and weight lifted, totaling 410.145 after squatting 175 kg, bench pressing 85 kg and dead lifting 202.5 kg, which earned him the unofficial record.

In the 59 kg class, representing Buddy’s Gym, Sohail Hussain amassed wilks points of 375.107 while 19 year old Demetri Chan took the 74 kg open and junior class with wilks points of 366.124. Hardat Tarson won the 83 kg with wilks points of 429.723 after dead lifting 265 kg and squatting 220 kg.
Vijai Rahim, entering with a weight of 64.4 KG, was crowned the best lifter after bench pressing 127.5KG, squatting 210KG and dead lifting 265KG which earned him wilks points of 482.723.
In the female junior category, Tineisha Toney was awarded the best overall junior lifter, having earned a wilks points of 343.190 from squatting 110 kg, bench pressing 45kg and dead lifting 137.5 kg for a total of 292.5 kg. The 22-year-old squatted 140 kg; Bench pressed 107.5 and out lifting the others in the dead lift of 185 kg.
Neesa Bhagwandin walked away with the 72 kg junior category with a dead lift of 140 kg, and a wilks points of 313.814 while Brittnay Mack took the 47 kg class with wilks points 321.385.
With the action moving over to the masters category, on the ladies side Nadina Taharally dominated the 72 kg open, gathering a wilks points total of 334.310, earning here the top honours.
Jackquelyn Toney was the open and master 84 kg category winner with a total of 325 and wilks points of 301.047.
In the main spectacle, the return of John ‘Big John’ Edwards was a successful one, having outmatched his opponents, Farouk Abdool and Roshan Alli in the 120 KG class. Space Gym power lifter bench pressed 182.5 kg, then went on to squat 265 kg and dead lifting 272.5 kg to earn a wilks points of 418.896.