Home Letters Government must make a total overhaul of the methods used to certify...
Dear Editor,
There is a mad rush by persons to get killed on our roads today. The statistics tell the gruesome story: five (5) deaths in two short days.
Vehicular traffic deaths have become a shocking norm in the country of my birth. It has become so appalling that we are fast earning for ourselves the unenviable distinction of being the Caribbean country with the most vehicular homicides. This is the naked truth!
Most of what is going on on our roads reveal the stark reality that there are a number of persons on our roads who do not — I repeat, persons who do not — know how to drive. They might be licensed by the authorities “to drive,” but the true state of affairs is that they do not have a clue what it entails to be a careful road user.
This has to stop, and the time to do so is now! The point I am making is that Government has the authority and the wherewithal to stop the carnage. After all, Government is the authority giving these drivers the permission to get behind the wheel of a motorable vehicle, and in like manner they must bear responsibility for the increase in the recklessness that obtains.
As the licensing authority, Government must put a tight lid on the present lawlessness that exists. In this regard, I propose that the following measures be implemented immediately:
(a) Establish a Department of Motor Vehicles to manage the affairs of motor vehicle licensing. This department would manage all the affairs of training of new drivers, and would recommend that a person be issued a licence to operate a motor vehicle.
(b) Establish a system in which incoming drivers have to be professionally trained by qualified driving instructors from reputable driving schools. The present system allows persons to receive short-term training by unqualified family members or friends, and in a short time thereafter, go in to obtain a licence. This ad hoc system has to be abolished. No one should be recommended for licensing without going through the process of being trained by a certified driving instructor, as well as receiving the guidance of a registered driving school. All of the forgoing certification should be administered by the state.
(c) After all of the above factors are fulfilled, then and only should someone be issued a licence.
These measures would certainly go a far way in lifting the standard of driving and drivers on our roads, bring some semblance of decency and order on our roads, and reverse the current trend of senseless vehicular homicides.
Neil Adams