Govt and Opposition must work together

Dear Editor,
I was touched seeing Dr Irfaan Ali’s seething anger in the middle of the night happening on the koker and seeing turned off the pump that was supposed to be on draining water from the city. The attendant was exposed first hand failing to carry out his mandated duty during an emergency (flooding of the city). The worker must be disciplined.
President Ali has worked tirelessly over the last week, and has gone the length to protect the nation from flood. Others who know better are not doing their fair part. Koker attendees must carry out their responsibilities with dedication and commitment.
It is not known to what extent koker attendees are not executing their jobs during this critical time of heavy rainfall. They are reminded that they are not at the koker to sleep, but to ensure that rising water is drained into the ocean.
The President and Government Ministers were also seen distributing food hampers to the affected. Some charitable organisations and diaspora groups are also doing invaluable work to help victims during the flooding.
The rapid response of the President and Government is commendable.
The country must show its appreciation for the work of the Government during this crisis that is compounded by the COVID pandemic.
While the role of the official Opposition is to criticise and oppose, the Opposition must give credit by recognising the work of the Government as in its response to the flooding, and critique it when necessary. In the case of the current flooding, Government and Opposition must work together to mitigate the effects.

Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram