Govt exploring possibility of bridging Leguan and Wakenaam – Pres Ali

…bridging Kwakwani and Kurupukari also being considered

The Government is exploring the possibility of bridging the Essequibo Islands of Wakenaam and Leguan as well as the Kwakwani and Kurupukari Crossings, according to President Dr Irfaan Ali.
President Ali, in a comment on Sunday, explained that his administration is currently reviewing all possible avenues for the utilisation of the existing Demerara and Wismar River bridges’ structures.
“…we are already looking at the placement of the existing Demerara River Bridge [at] the Kwakwani crossing, the Kurupukari crossing, and looking at the possibility between Wakenaam and Leguan. Those are all areas that our technical team and advisory teams are looking at. So that on the completion of the new Demerara River Bridge, we will have works commence on where the existing Demerara River Bridge can be located to aid efficiency, expand, productivity, reduce the cost of doing business, and improve competitiveness,” President Ali said.

President Dr Irfaan Ali

The head of state said that the Cabinet will be discussing an approach aimed at improving competitiveness, transportation costs, and the efficiency of moving goods, services, and people on both the Demerara and Berbice River Bridges. He noted that both bridges are critical connections to the rest of Guyana’s economic ecosystem and for the movement of people.
“As such, before the end of this year, I’ll be addressing these matters nationally, and I’ll be making some pronouncements that would ensure improved competitiveness in terms of transport costs, increase efficiency and reliability, and I can assure that all decisions will definitely be to the benefit of consumers, businesses and the expansion of the economic activity that is taking place in Regions Five, Six, Three, Four, and all across the country,” Ali said.
Currently, persons using the road to travel from Georgetown to the hinterland areas must cross at Kwakwani and Kurupukari using scheduled pontoon crossings. This is timely and affects the timely supply of goods and services to several hinterland communities.
Meanwhile, farmers in Leguan and Wakenaam would have to use ferries to bring their produce out to Parika to market. The additional transportation charges also affect the end price consumers pay for produce that could have been cheaper with decreased transportation costs.

New Wismar River Bridge
Additionally, President Ali explained the new Wismar River Bridge in Region 10 will target connecting Linden with important developments in the hinterland.
“…the competitiveness of that bridge will increase productivity, reduce the burden on consumers, increase efficiency, and reliability, and expand trade. [Those] are the primary concerns that we’ll be addressing. This bridge will also be in the package of decisions that we will take before the end of this year,” he said.

New Berbice River bridge
On Monday, Guyana Times reported that President Ali assured that the new Berbice River bridge, for which contractors are currently being prequalified, will be on par with the modern structure of the new Demerara River bridge currently being built.
According to the Head of State, the bridge will have a futuristic design, capable of interconnecting with the massive developments taking place in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). He made it clear that the bridge will be no less in standard than the four-lane, fixed structure currently being built across the Demerara River.
According to the president, his administration hopes to be able to make decisions on the bridge before the end of the year, based on the Expressions of Interest it receives.
Meanwhile, the new Demerara River bridge, which is currently under construction, will be a fixed 2.65-kilometre, four-lane, high-span, cable-stayed structure across the Demerara River, with the width of the driving surface being about 23.6 metres.
The bridge, which features a bicycle lane, would end the closure to vehicular traffic with a 50-metre fixed high span to cater for the free and uninterrupted flow of vessels. The river would be dredged along a 13.5-kilometre stretch to accommodate large vessels.
The idea of a new bridge across the Berbice River was first floated back in October 2022 by President Ali. Speaking at the launch of the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair two years ago, the Head of State told residents of Region Six that Government was considering a new bridge as part of the many infrastructure developments planned for the ancient county.
Then back in January this year, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo announced that the Government had already started planning the construction of a structure across the Berbice River.
Construction of the bridge comes at a time when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government is making plans for a plethora of development initiatives in the ancient county. This includes plans for the second major gas project, which VP Jagdeo has previously said is expected to be built in Berbice.