Home Letters Govt has a responsibility to keep the nation safe, educated
Dear Editor,
Now that my responsibilities to the regional body the CXC are over, I am grateful that I can get back into that great opportunity of meaningful writing. The first issue that I would like to address is the present debacle between Government and a slew of trade Unions, prominent and not so prominent instrumentalities of the PNC, over the vaccination policy of the ruling Administration. They are up in arms against the Government’s policy to have the nation vaccinated against the dreaded coronavirus disease.
That motley crew are of the opinion that this vaccination instead of being a lifesaving measure, it would otherwise kill the people. Quite an insane view when you analyse it in its entirety, yet it has gained traction in some quarters here to the point of inciting violent protests. The rallying call by the ragtag bunch is “my body my choice” in total defiance to the lifesaving vaccination programme promoted by the Government. So, it seems that there is likely to be an impasse in the coming days and months ahead between Government and Opposition.
Now, the “my body my choice” has nothing to do with a vaccine, rather it sounds more like a campaign rhetoric of the Opposition, because while they are making that political statement people are dying of corona which is worrying to all concerned. You cannot make bland statements of “my body my choice and a blunt no to the vaccine” when you have no alternative solution to the pandemic. It is certainly irresponsible and foolish to make that assumption to a dying nation. So, the question remains, why make those statements when you have no substantive alternatives? It behoves me to conclude that their motive is to create fear and instability in our country, something that is wicked and sinful to say the least.
At this juncture I must bring this pertinent fact to the attention of the Opposition. Fact number 1: It is the Government’s responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its citizens at all times. Fact number 2: It is also the responsibility of the Government to ensure that the nation’s children are educated, two basic and relevant duties of any Government. Therefore, no opposing forces should interfere with those sacred responsibilities of the ruling party.
In that regard I have viewed the Opposition’s conduct as wicked and dangerous because the APNU politicians have all taken the vaccine including Granger himself, yet they are preying on the fears of their gullible supporters saying otherwise. It is now pellucid, that the PNC is still looking here and there in every conceivable corner to make trouble ever since they’ve lost the election.
Our nation’s kids have been out of meaningful instruction since January 2020, many of whom can be seen all over the place – without a face mask of course – flaunting all COVID-19 protocols, they are not dying from COVID. However, since the call has been made for them to go back to school the asinine assault looms high on the Opposition’s agenda that they will suddenly die from the virus, if this is not the epitome of stupidity and backwardness then what is? What I dare say without fear of contradiction is that there seems to be a move on to generate a gene pool of illiterate and backward children in our country to whom they can call upon in times of protest. But that is not going to happen because of the erudite and forward-thinking Government that is in place. The Government cannot be derailed in its effort to bring this pandemic under control.
In the same vein I address the utterances of some in the religious community. There is this controversial “Apostle” in question who is calling on his followers to disregard the Government’s call for full vaccination. He too like his political counterparts are getting into the realm of politicising the pandemic, making these wild and reckless statements. So let me educate this pseudo prophet, instead of making these wild statements why shouldn’t he rely on the Omniscient God of the earth who has given man the wisdom to provide us with vaccines? I do believe we should!
Not making light of religion nor religious leaders (because I am a believer myself) but the point is this, ever since the pandemic I have never seen any religious healer claiming that special ability to heal anyone from COVID. Should I ask the question, is their god dead? Is he so far away that he cannot hear nor see the suffering of his people? Of course not, then in all fairness, let us by faith trust in the omni-science of our God who has made man wise enough to provide us with a vaccine.
I call upon all Guyanese all across this great country to repudiate all statements and actions of those opposed to the vaccination programme, COVID is not a political matter neither is it a joke. The pandemic is real and many of our friends and loved ones have gone to the great beyond because of it, so it is our bounding duty to at least cooperate with our Government and bring this deadly disease to a close.
Neil Adams