Govt pumps $190M into rehabilitation of Meadow Bank Wharf

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha alongside inspecting wharf

In keeping with President Dr Irfaan Ali’s recent commitment to ensure the Meadow Bank Wharf and its environs are in the best possible state, some $190 million has been set aside to execute a series of rehabilitative works in the area.
On Friday, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha visited the area to inspect the works where he expressed satisfaction with the progress so far, stating that certain areas of the project are already completed.
“Well, we have completed the entire washroom area there we have finished the concrete drill, the shed is being constructed now on the wharf here and very shortly the tarmac, the resurfacing of the tarmac will commence…. now the work is in progress and I’m hoping that in another month or two we should get all these works. This is at a cost of almost $190 million we’re expending here.”
He added that, the Government is also staying committed to its promise which was for the commissioning of a police outpost within the area.

Some of the rehabilitative work being done in the area

“So generally, those are the work that we are doing now and the first phase is when we came also, we made a commitment that a police outpost will be placed here and since that time a police outpost is out there and we put in a number of lights so the places are brighter and people are now getting better security in this entire compound.”
During his visit, Minister Mustapha emphasised the importance of this commercial space to the country’s economy.
“This here, this wharf is one of the main fishing areas in the Georgetown area, here a number of boats have been moved here and a lot of activity is taking place in terms of people coming to sell and buy and things like that around here so this wharf operates as an almost 24-hour system, so that is why when the president and I came here, he made a commitment that we’ll do a lot of, rehabilitative work to the wharf,” the Minister disclosed.
After taking office in 2020, Government has been working to modernise the fishing industry and improve safety and standards for fisherfolk and other stakeholders. (G2)