Govt receives CoI report

Drop-in Centre deaths

The final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the deaths of Antonio and Joshua George, who perished in the July 8 fire at the Hadfield Street, Georgetown, Drop-in Centre, was on Friday handed over to Minister of State Joseph Harmon at the Ministry of the Presidency by Commissioner Retired Colonel Windee Algernon.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon receives the report from Commissioner, Retired Colonel Windee Algernon (centre-right). Also in photo are Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence and Chief Fire Officer acting Winston McGregor
Minister of State Joseph Harmon receives the report from Commissioner, Retired Colonel Windee Algernon (centre-right). Also in photo are Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence and Chief Fire Officer acting Winston McGregor

Accepting the report Harmon said that the recommendations within the preliminary report have been taken very seriously and that President Granger has since requested of the Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan that a “fresh look” be given to the fire safety precautions and possible fire hazards at government buildings.
“Now that we have the [final] report, we are confident that the various ministries and Government departments will look at the recommendations and do what is required so that we can provide safe and secure places not only for children, but for everyone. This was a tragedy, but as a State we have a responsibility to every person… This is a wakeup call for us insofar as fire safety and security are concerned,” the minister said.
Copies of the report were also presented to Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence, and Chief Fire Officer acting, Winston McGregor.
Minister Lawrence in brief remarks echoed Minister Harmon’s sentiments that the incident was a wakeup call and assured both the Minister and the Commissioner that the recommendations within the report will be looked at closely.
“There is already a meeting, which is scheduled to be held next week with the Director and Management of the Child Protection Unit in which we will discuss an action plan on how to implement the recommendations listed in the report,” she said.
McGregor assured the Minister that the Guyana Fire Service is doing everything in its power to ensure that all public buildings are safe and adhere to fire safety guidelines.
Commenting on the contents of the report, Colonel Algernon said that in its compilation, she sought to provide much needed recommendations that would see the implementation of necessary mechanisms and systems that would prevent such an occurrence in the future.
Antonio George, 6, and his two-year-old brother Joshua George, along with three other siblings were taken into care at the Centre two days prior to their demise.
This was after an investigation into allegations that they were neglected and abused by their relatives.
On the day the children were supposed to be given to the care of relatives, the two young brothers perished in a fire which occurred at the Drop-in Centre.
It was reported that the younger brother was asleep in the dormitory when the fire started and as the elder brother was being taken out of the building by caregivers, he rushed back in to save his little brother. However, he got trapped in the building.