Home News GPHC to investigate reports of staff negligence
Following an uptick of reports accusing medical, nursing and administrative staff of negligence, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) is urging the public to lodge complaints at its Complaints Office, near the institution’s New Market Street Complex.
The GPHC said the complaints would be treated confidentially and investigated by the Patient Complaints Committee.
In an official release on Thursday, the GPHC noted that it provided “competent and professional” services to over 400 patients at its Medical Outpatient Department and alluded to its concern over some members of the public having grievances with the services provided. The GPHC indicated that after the investigations conclude, it would make efforts to correct the deficiencies to prevent reoccurrences.
For years, medical personnel at the public health institution have been at the receiving end of intense criticism regarding their treatment of patients and instances of maternal and toddler deaths.
On Wednesday, a Better Hope, East Coast Demerara pregnant woman, Davya Singh expressed bitter complaints against the GPHC for almost causing her death for what she reportedly believed was negligence on the part of the staff at the institution.
The woman indicated that she almost died from blood poisoning, alleging that a cut made to remove an abscess on her leg was not properly mended and she was only saved after she sought treatment at a private medical institution.
According to a senior source at the GPHC, many of the district hospitals, such as the ones at West Demerara, Diamond and Suddie, are declining to treat intricate medical procedures and would often make referrals to the GPHC. This, the senior doctor said, is putting much strain on the main hospital and the official criticised those institutions for avoiding any case which posed a challenge.
“They are not doing much, they are sending all the difficult cases to Georgetown Hospital, so we have to bear the brunt of these complicated cases and when somebody comes here and dies, we [at GPHC] are the ones who take the blame,” the senior doctor disclosed.
Another issue plaguing health-care delivery is staff shortage at public health-care institutions which Guyana Times highlighted earlier this week. At the West Demerara Hospital last week, it was disclosed that several departments have staff shortages, including the x-ray department, theatre and pharmacy.
Meanwhile, persons with grievances regarding the service they received at the GPHC can contact the Public Relations Officer at telephone number 227-8234 or the Quality Improvement Manager on 227-6902.