GRA should investigate unlicensed businesses

Dear Editor,
I plead your attention to kindly take a few minutes to read my sincere complaint that is not given any attention even though several complaints have been lodge to Guyana Revenue Authority to investigate this unlawful practice that is interfering with my business.
As a young entrepreneur I strive to make a living in this economy but unfortunately unlawful practices are shunning me from doing so.
I have a bar and restaurant that operates every day and I have my documents for doing so in accordance to the laws of Guyana.
I think it’s unreasonable and unfair for someone else to force my potential customers away from my bar to gain profits from an unlicensed business.
I don’t fully own the establishment since I’m still in the process of paying monthly installments for my business since I’m buying over the franchise.
I also pay a monthly rent for the business adding to my expenses.
I have bills I pay and daily expenses. And with the shockingly increase of electricity of 14 per cent for 2017 I’m over the roof angry that nothing is being done to implement ways to demolish this practice.
With all these expenses any small purchases can really help me to make profits to cover these expenses and make a decent living.
The unlawful practices of spirit, beers, energy drink, beverages and cigarettes are sending their loyal rebel customers to deface my property and stealing from me. They’re defacing my property with indecent language and gesture and stealing light bulbs which I have to replace too often. They’re also luring customers who come into my bar and even before entering the bar away in a spiteful and disdained attitude.
I know the Police are supposed to be informed but I do hope GRA can do something to eradicate these rebels to stop loitering there.
I’ve made several phone calls to GRA expressing myself and complaining about this stigma that is taking a toll on my business and nobody has yet replied or given me any hope of investigating this.
I also have loyal customers who claim they went in to GRA and lodge complaints but ‘unheard’ so far.
I’m optimistic that if this letter gets publish personnel from GRA will see and understand why I’m berating myself and the seriousness of how this is clearly affecting my business. Contacts from GRA can be made to [email protected]

Roopeshwar R Somar