Home News GRA to sell over 4000 seized bottles of alcohol
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be disposing of a quantity of alcoholic beverages it seized over a period of time by selling it to interested persons before the Christmas season. 
The beverages according to the agency will be given to persons who submit a written request to the Authority expressing their interest in purchasing the alcohol, using its approved price list.
Interested persons must attach to their request a copy of their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) certificate and a copy of the requisite “off liquor and malt and wine licence” or liquor restaurant licence.
GRA noted, “Persons who have met the above-mentioned criteria and are interested must state clearly in their letter to the Revenue Authority the quantity needed and their contact information”. The spirits include Ciroc, Johnnie Walker, Absolute, Hennessey and others. Guyana Times understands that close to 5000 bottles of liquor will be on sale.
Inspection of the goods will be facilitated daily commencing September 9, 2019 and concluding on September 11, 2019 between 09:00h to 15:00h at GRA’s warehouse facility, Industrial Site, Eccles, East Bank Demerara and Corriverton, Berbice, it added.
Over the years, GRA has been successful in seizing alcoholic beverages amounting to millions of dollars. In fact, earlier this year, the state newspaper reported that several bottles of Hennessy Cognac were discovered in a 20 foot container at the Guyana National Industrial Corporation (GNIC) wharf on Water Street, Georgetown.
It was the Drug Enforcement Unit of GRA who made the startling discovery in February. Guyana Times understands that there have been several other busts following that incident.
In addition, on Tuesday, the GRA revealed that it has 67 vehicles for sale at warehouses across the country. An official at the tax agency told this publication that the vehicles, some of which are already registered, were used by the entity.
However, the agency in a notice published in the newspapers said, “Motor vehicles that can be registered would be assigned new registration numbers after full payment”.
On sale are Toyota Raums, Carinas and Cruisers, Nissan Bluebirds, X-Trail and several others which require repairs. In fact, GRA said some of the vehicles will even be sold as scrap on a ‘as is, where is’ basis, through bidding. Inspection of the vehicles commenced on Monday.
GRA was keen to note that payments must be made in cash or through a manager’s cheque within three working days of being informed, failure on the part of the successful bidder will result in the next bidder being considered.
A separate bid form will be required for each vehicle and bidders are only allowed to submit one document per stock number.
Successful bidders will be required to remove and transport their vehicles within five working days of being informed.