PNC General Council Meeting
… as senior public servants express displeasure at being requested to attend
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Saturday held its first General Council Meeting for the year 2017 at the Party’s Headquarters, Congress Place,

Sophia. Notably however, this newspaper understands that the event themed “PNCR – Vanguard of a Green Economy,” was reminiscent to the 1970’s as senior public servants were insisted upon to attend the event. According an upset senior Government official, the event was déjà vu to the Forbs Burnham era where public servants, despite displeasure, were forced to attend the PNC’s general council meetings.
Meanwhile, at the event at President David Granger, assured the Council the PNC is committed to the coalition Government.
“The PNCR is committed to coalition politics; we are better to together.”
Focusing attention on the family, the President said that that society was founded on the family, that the family was sacrosanct and urged Party members to protect and preserve the family.
He noted also that regions must focus on education and it was imperative that employment be found for the young people of Guyana. “Despite the challenges, we have to find employment for the young people of Guyana. We have to develop the village economies; we have to start producing things at the village level.” The Leader asked village leaders to take rebuilding the village economy seriously and pledged government support for such initiatives.
The PNCR Leader speaking to the Diaspora, he said that “the Diaspora is vital to the PNC; it is a vital component. I trust the Diaspora and I believe in the Diaspora.”
Following the formal opening, plenary sessions examined the Party Leader’s address, the General Secretary’s Report and plans for the Party’s 60th anniversary. A Motion giving full support to the Government in the action that was taken to retake the Red House, a National Heritage building was presented to General Council by the Vice Chairperson of the National Congress of Women, (NCW), Carol Smith-Joseph.
General Council is the second highest decision making forum of the PNCR.