Dear Editor,
In Lethem, we voted for President David Granger because we felt that he was a righteous man; we liked what he told us at the meetings he had in Region Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo). But I feel that he has fooled us. The region is still full of corrupt officers. He said he would clean out the place, but every day we look at the same officers that had oppressed us. May people tell me that they have problems with these same officers. It is hard to get paid.
Then we had our heritage the other night. That was no heritage; that was a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) meeting. The former Regional Executive Officer was there, the Member of Parliament was there, other PPP members were there, all at the head table. No A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) or Alliance For Change (AFC) people were there. The Heritage turned out to be a ‘coastlander’ party, with all the vulgar music and no Amerindian songs. The APNU/AFC people are not coming to tell us anything. We are right next door and we do not see them anymore. The President has to let our APNU politicians come and visit us; we need them to tell us what the party is doing. We know what the Government is doing but not the party.
I want to let the President know that there are many people talking of leaving the party and joining AFC because they don’t like what APNU is doing.
Patricia Camildo