Home Letters Granger has shown utter contempt for Guyana’s Constitution
Dear Editor,
There was a successful passage of a no-confidence motion against this Government on December 21, 2018, to which Article 106 (6) and (7) gave specific instructions as to the way forward.
The Granger Government, in typical PNC fashion, has been trying every which way to stave off this sure directive. There have been endless court scenes, which I call frivolities, into the validity of the vote, among some other trivial matters, which will eventually amount to nothing. The stubbornness and illegal mentality of this Government urge them on to show more contempt, as they try somehow to circumvent the Constitution. In this regard, we are about to see a constitutional crisis very soon.
Now, as that constitutional crisis, pariah state situation, looms bigger and brighter, many in civil society are calling on the Government to honour the Constitution. They have every right to do so because respect for the law stands supreme in any civilised society unless we want to fall victim to a lawless society, which is something the PNC are driving us into.
Those civil groups are acting in a responsible manner, thus calling on the guilty party, which in this case is the Government, to own up to the realities of the day, resign, and call elections. But instead, they and their support press are manufacturing a ton of lies in a vain effort to prop up their hopeless situation.
They have even gone so far as to blame the coming crisis on the Opposition Leader who is the innocent party in all of this. Why blame the Opposition Leader for this mess when you have an obstinate Government which does not care about people or country? Granger and his lawless PNC members have shown utter contempt for law and order as well as the people over whom they govern. From the very first day in office, this Government ruled on a narrow party basis, the needs of the people were far removed from their vocabulary. The people were second class or no class where they were concerned. From the onset, it was how to please themselves and their party people using State funds. Volda Lawrence aptly expressed that fact so there is no need to clarify anything whatsoever in that well thought out, well-established fact of the PNC. Do not shift the blame; please cast the accusatory finger in the direction where it rightfully belongs.
So, when that same group of persons is suggesting that the Opposition Leader meets with Granger for another round of discussions, I am re-echoing the words of Jagdeo that there would be no meeting of the two. As the visionary doctor has said, he has no interest in another PR stunt with the President. When Granger respects the Constitution of this country, then and only then would he honour a meeting with him. And may I add, that discussion would centre on how soon we are going into the next general election.
Neil Adams