Arrival Day 50-mile cycle race
Andrew ‘Padlock’ Green came ahead of 29 cyclist on Friday morning to win the inaugural Trojan/PSC Cycling Club Arrival Day Road cycle race in Bebrice. The 50-mile race which commenced at Main & Chapel Streets, New Amsterdam, proceeded to the Corentyne Coast then to the #37 village turning point and returned to the start, saw Green record a time of 1 hour, 47 minutes and 30 seconds (01:47;30s) when the clock stopped.

The likes of Stephano Husbands, Christopher Griffith, Lear Nunes, Brighton John and Sylvania Innis rounded of the top six positions.
There were eight prime prizes in the race which Green took four, Curtis Dey (three) and Husbands (one).
The juniors saw Brighton John in the winner position followed by Dey and Jason Cameron in second and third respectively.
In the juvenile’s category, Kerwin Collins was the first to cross the line ahead of Jonathan Ramsuchit and Jermain Heligar
Likewise, Nunes, Everald Munday and Ian Jackson took the veterans’ top three positions.
Meanwhile, at the commencement of the race, opening remarks were given by Berbice Chamber of Commerce Development Association (BCCDA) newly elected President Ryan Alexander, who underscored the significance of the event.
In addition, Indian High Commissioner (ag) Tashi Damdi Bhutia delivered a brief overview of the history behind the Indians who arrived in Guyana and Berbice many years ago and the impact they made on the development of the nation.
Also in attendance was Regional Sports Coordinator Godwin Allicock who commended the BCCDA and the Trojan/PSL Cycling Club for a well-organized event and challenged the two organizers to have a full education sponsorship package for cyclist in Berbice.
Recognizing the challenges in the sport he lamented that many will speak but it is the cyclist and their administrators who will have to stay focus to have the success for the cyclist.
Other executives of the BCCDA present were Senior Vice president Errol Azar, Mark Roopnarine, Danny Ramnarine and Wazim Ali.