Green’s misrepresentation, distortions, falsification (Pt 2)

Dear Editor,
On the question of National Service let me say from the outset that the PPP opposed it as a condition for admittance to the University of Guyana. It was in fact a racist move to push Indian Guyanese in general and Indian Guyanese women in particular, out of UG.
The PPP pointed out that National Service could take another form and take into account the mores and customs of Indian women. Forcing them into camps was tantamount to expelling them from UG. Indeed, as soon as National Service was implemented more than 100 Indian women withdrew from the University.
Incidentally, it is more than just a passing coincidence that National Service was thought up as a scheme after the PYO had a resounding victory at the student council elections in 1974. That embarrassed the PNC which in 1973 boasted of a “break through” (by then the only thing they broke through were the ballot boxes of 1968 & 1973 elections).
The PPP was asking for a change of form of National Service so that no one would have been left out.
In his letter Mr. Green went on to say that the PPP was opposed to CARIFESTA in 1972. Knowing that he did not have any proof to substantiate his charges he resorted to saying that “…the PPP activists worked behind the scenes to keep Indo-Guyanese away…”
It is true that the PPP had some critical remarks of the PNC and CARIFESTA. However, these were more from a philosophical/ideological position. At a press conference in August 1972 Dr. Jagan extended a warm welcome to the overseas visitors. He said, “we in the PPP hope that their stay will be pleasant in our beautiful country and most enjoyable among our hospitable people”.
He made comments about the content and form of culture and did say that culture could not be fully developed under imperialist/neo-colonial rule. However, he did not call for a boycott.
A call for boycott came from the Guyanese Council of Indian Organizations (GCIO). In a release published on September 17, 1972, the GCIO “…reminded Guyanese that while it was never against the principle of CARIFESTA, it was forced to make the boycott call because of Government’s arrogant seizure of the Indian Immigration Fund and its failure to involve the true cultural representatives in the planning of the programme…” – those are the facts.
On the issue of Security Forces, it is true that the PPP called for ethnic balance of our security forces. This call in my view is still valid, particularly at a time when Green and the PNC among others, continue to propagate racism in our country.
In 1965 when the ICJ met we had just come out of a period when the PNC instigated racism, supported and directed by the British. It saw Indian Guyanese being attacked, robbed, raped and even murdered in the presence of police officers. Indeed, at Mahaicony police officers were involved in attacks against Indians.
Let me also state that the ICJ recommended to the PNC government that the security forces be balanced. That was never done. Instead, Indian officers were dismissed and forced out of the service. Remember Col. Sattaur, Assad Ishoof and many others Mr. Green!
Green went on to say that Indians did not want to join the security forces. That is a gross falsehood. Indian Guyanese were kept out of the force by the British at first. They used all kinds of means to accomplish this. These included height, size of chest etc.
In fact in the 1960s Minister of Home Affairs Janet Jagan found that two different exams were prepared for entry into the police force. In African dominated communities, the exams was very easy to pass. In Indian dominated areas it was almost impossible for even someone in possession of five subjects GCE ‘O’ level to pass. All these measures were used to keep Indians out of the Police Force.
He then moved to again make the false charge that the location of the Berbice Bridge was done to disadvantage Afro-Guyanese in New Amsterdam etc. That was another lie that the PNC racists persist in.
Vice President Jagdeo only recently dealt with this issue at a press conference when he said that it was constructed on the present site due to the best technical advice given to the government while he was president. I can testify to that having been present at one of the presentations of the technical team, I believe it was a French group.
Finally, in his determination to promote racism Mr. Green once again took Dr. Jagan’s remarks totally out of context in relation to the position of black people. Mr. Green said that Dr. Jagan said that Afro Guyanese were at the bottom of the ladder.
Firstly Dr. Jagan never mentioned “Afro Guyanese”. He was referring to the American opposition to his government of 1961-1964 period. He was making the point that the American opposition to the PPP was more political than racial because it is known that in the United States during the 1960s Blacks were at the bottom of the social ladder.
Hamilton Green is not interested in context. He is hell bent on dividing our people.
At this stage of his life Hamilton Green could play a very important role for the good health of our country by coming out with the truth. Unfortunately, he has chosen to practice the politics of lies and hate. So, so sad!

Donald Ramotar
Former President