Home News Grove resident slapped with robbery charge
Appearing before City Magistrate Leron Daly on Friday with a pair of crutches to support a broken leg, Ravindra Dookwa of Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) denied that on May 26, 2017 at Stabroek, Georgetown, while being in company of others, he robbed Winston Miller of one iPhone valued ,000; US7; one LG phone valued US0, and Gy,000.
The police prosecutor told the court that the virtual complainant (VC) had been positively identified the defendant, but the defendant vehemently denied the allegation and told the court that he has been laid up in bed for a long period because he has a broken leg, and thus could not have robbed anyone.
He claimed that police officers arrested him and six others, but subsequently released them all. However, he explained that he was rearrested and charged which the offence, but he does not know anything about it.
Because the prosecutor did not object to the defendant being placed on bail, the magistrate placed him on ,000 bail and scheduled the case for continuation on July 13.