GTA, GEA to host energy workshop this month

…donate safety items in support of Indigenous tourism enterprises

Some of the items that were donated to Santa Mission and Wakapao

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in partnership with the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) will host a Renewable Energy Sensitisation and Training Workshop for stakeholders on August 29, 2023. The one-day workshop will focus on improving sustainability efforts in tourism businesses and promoting energy efficiency.
This was revealed by the Marketing and Communications Officer of the GTA, Sade Cameron during a telephone interview with <<<Guyana Times>>> on Wednesday.
According to Cameron, “We’re partnering with the Guyana Energy Agency and we’re targeting all of our tourism stakeholders, whether they’re operating hotels, interior lodges and resorts, or even our tour operators and tour guides. So, we’re asking them to sign up and to participate in this session…which will focus on improving sustainability efforts in tourism businesses and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy as well.”
Cameron highlighted that existing stakeholders would be prioritised for this workshop as there were only 30 spaces available. She added that other individuals who did not fall into this category but wanted to apply would only be accepted to participate if seats were available.
“As it is right now, we are targeting our current tourism stakeholders…but if you do have a vested interest in tourism and you are interested in joining, then we may be able to facilitate you, but space is limited,” Cameron told this publication.
This workshop, she said, was previously proposed by GTA Director Kamrul Baksh and would be hosted to instil greater importance in improving sustainability and promoting energy efficiency within tourism business operations.
“This is actually something that has been proposed a while ago by our director, and ideally what we want to do is enforce greater importance as it relates to improving sustainability within the way our tourism businesses operate. We want to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy, because these are things that tie into our overall tourism development and promotion of sustainable tourism development at the Guyana Tourism Authority,” Cameron explained.
Additionally, the GTA urges stakeholders to register before the deadline which is August 18, 2023, so that the necessary preparations can be made to accommodate each individual.

Indigenous tourism
Meanwhile, the GTA and its partners have also been supporting Indigenous tourism enterprises by donating a variety of safety items to Santa Mission and Wakapao which will improve the quality and safety of tourism experiences.
The Guyana Conservation Initiative, a partnership between the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development, Environmental Management Consultants Guyana, ExxonMobil Guyana, and the GTA supporting Indigenous tourism enterprises, handed over several items to these communities last month. Some of the items include birding books, first aid kits, and life jackets.
In Santa Mission, the delegation was also treated to a Taisir processing experience with local guides and a visit to the village’s craft centre.
In Wakapao, the group had the privilege of engaging in an immersive coffee-making demonstration led by a knowledgeable local guide, followed by a ground coffee-tasting experience. To celebrate their rich cultural heritage, there was a traditional fishing trap demonstration and a delicious lunch prepared by talented individuals who recently completed a Culinary Arts training programme facilitated by the GTA, led by Margarette Cornette.
The Agency also conducted financial management training with Santa Mission and Wakapao representatives. This session was led by Marlon George, who guided participants through areas such as Business Fundamentals; Bookkeeping and Financial Management; Budgeting; Pricing; Contracts (Employee and Business); Taxes (Covering NIS & GRA) and key areas of marketing their business.
The GTA also supported several initiatives last month including the Moruca Expo 2023; the Kids Cooking Academy hosted by Chef Kester Robinson; the Inter-Schools Kayaking Competition hosted by Elite Kayaking and Nature Tours; PanJam: The Garden of Eden; and the Hot and Cold Lake Eco-Resorts Grass Track and Regatta.