Dear Editor,
I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday (June 24, 2020) and saw an interesting debate between former Minister Priya Manickchand and GTUC President and GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald as it relates to a statement issued by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) on the current political situation.
Ms McDonald, who is also a candidate of the APNU/AFC, was very critical of the Federation’s sentiments, which reflect the thoughts of a large cross-section of the rational thinking Guyanese nation. The learned lady has obviously thrown away her trade union cap and has become, it appears, a full-blown politician. Of course, that is her right, though she should not seek to masquerade as something she is not.
In clutching at straws, like many of her political colleagues, she sought to castigate the FITUG for remaining silent on other matters. As someone who tries to follow the news regularly, and I do not believe I am losing my wits as yet, at least, I felt Ms McDonald was barking up the wrong tree. However not to be mistaken, I decided to do some research.
Indeed, I am happy to report my memory is intact. My search informed me that the FITUG has been very much vocal on matters of workers’ concern. I saw that when Ms McDonald’s teachers were striking, the FITUG lent its voice. That organisation also lent its voice and bodies to stand up with the RUSAL workers, and, more recently, expressed its concern about the teachers returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
But apart from that, I saw the FITUG making several positive recommendations to the Government as it relates COVID-19 assistance, and prior to that, spoke up for workers during its engagements on the budgets with the Finance Minister.
I must add that I didn’t see Ms McDonald as vociferous as she is now on those matters. Clearly, it seems to me that Ms McDonald, who I felt had a bright future as a worker’s leader, has lost her way and has succumbed to political pressure, and abandoned her cause.
Yours sincerely,
Patricia Persaud