The motor lorry and motor car that were involved in the accident on the Corentyne Public Road
Sixty-one-year-old security guard Keith Griffith is now hospitalised after the motorcar he was driving was struck by a speeding lorry along the Number 63 Village, Corentyne public road in Region Six (East Berbice- Corentyne).
Reports are that Griffith was driving motorcar PJJ 8191 when motor lorry GHH 1566, driven by a 26-year-old, slammed into his vehicle on Tuesday.
Police have since said the motor lorry, with three occupants, was proceeding south along the eastern drive lane at a fast rate of speed when, while negotiating a right turn, the driver lost control of his vehicle and it swerved west, colliding head-on with Griffith’s vehicle, which at the time was proceeding north along the western drive lane of the said road. The collision caused Griffith’s car to careen into a concrete culvert before ending up in a nearby trench.
Griffith was taken out of his vehicle by public-spirited citizens in a semi-conscious condition, and rushed to the Skeldon Public Hospital, but because of the severity of his injuries, he was transferred to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.
Shortly after the accident, the driver of the motor lorry was arrested and a breathalyzer test was conducted on him, but no trace of alcohol was found. Investigations are ongoing. (G9)