Gun touting bandits rob Charity business of over $3M in cellphones

Two armed bandits today stormed the WD Malls business complex at Charity, Essequibo Coast where they carted off with over $3M in valuables.

Police said the incident occurred at 00:30hrs and it was captured on CCTV footage. The suspects have not yet been arrested.

A man, who works at the location, was approached by the suspects who whipped out handguns from their waists and pointed it to him while demanding money.

One of the perpetrators reached into the worker’s pocket and stole $5000. The bandits then attempted to bind the man’s hand but failed.

They then proceeded to a cellphone stall where they broke a glass door to gain entry.

They then stole a quantity of cellphones valued at $3 million and a quantity of tablets valued at $300,000.

Investigations are ongoing.