Gunmen rob female lab technician

A Georgetown Public Hospital laboratory technician was on Thursday afternoon attacked and robbed of her valuables by two armed bandits on Main Street, Georgetown.
The woman, 40-year-old Tamara Gibbs, of Lot 15 Lamaha Springs, Joint Service Scheme, Georgetown, was attacked at around 13:45h.
According to reports, the woman was walking South along Main Street, headed to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to pay her bills when she was confronted by the two men as she was about to enter GPL’s compound.
One of the men pointed a gun at her and demanded that she hand over her bag to which she complied. The men then escaped on a black and grey motorcycle in the northern direction on Main Street and then West into New Market Street.
They escaped with Gibb’s handbag which contained documents, her cellphone and cash.
The matter was reported to the Police and investigations are continuing.