Gunmen rob Mon Repos businessman

Businessman Ramsundar Persaud, who operates a general store at his residence at Railway Line, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, was relieved of an undisclosed sum of cash and his mobile phone after two armed men perpetrated a robbery on his store at about 15:15h on Friday.
Based on reports received, the two men entered the store under the pretext of wanting to purchase an item, and as the 48-year-old businessman took them to see the item, one of the men whipped out a handgun and held him at gunpoint. They then relieved him of the cash and the phone that he had in his possession.
They soon turned their attention to the man’s wife, whom they led into the house, which they ransacked but came up empty- handed.
The men then made good their escape, but Police are investigating the robbery.