The Guyanese drag racers were successful in defending their title of best man and machine on a sunny weekend in Suriname. Team Guyana was well represented by Sanjay Persaud with the Toyota Wagon and Peter Daby in the swept the finals in their respective class.
Sanjay Persaud, in piloting the Toyota Wagon won the 11 second class, Peter Daby in the Mazda RX-7 won the 10 second class and the big “Godzilla” of all, the Nissan GT-R, presumable the fastest car in the Caribbean won the outlaw class.

The GT-R’s win was not straight forward, as the Surinamese Nova and the GT-R ended up in the finals but the Nova false started and the GT-R was officially the winner but the score had to be settled even if it means in the dark night.
The monsters turned up to the line for a grudge run in the dark, the Nova willied off the line when the lights turn green and was leading the race but not for long as the “Godzilla” of Azurdeen Mohamed, sponsored by Mohamed’s Enterprise, whizzed pass to a close finish.
The next stop is South Dakota on October 2nd for Drag Wars II, sponsored by GTT, Fly Jamaica and Ansa Mcal. Admission includes $500 for children and $1000 for adults.