Guyana faces alarming surge in traffic accidents – Police stats

Traffic statistics released by the Guyana Police Force at the Force’s symposium on Friday for the period spanning January 1 to July 17 in 2022 and 2023 have revealed concerning trends in road safety.
Despite a 50 per cent reduction in child fatalities resulting from fatal accidents, the nation has experienced a substantial 26 per cent increase in overall traffic accidents and a 30 per cent rise in fatalities during 2023 when compared to the previous year.
Most strikingly, the majority of those involved in fatal accidents during the period under review were males. The data indicated a concerning 38 per cent increase in male involvement in accidents (18), while the number of females remained constant in 2023.
Further, the age range of 25 to 42 years saw the highest involvement in traffic accidents in both years. In 2023, there was a staggering 67 per cent increase (12) in persons aged 25-42 involved in accidents, followed by a 31 per cent increase (5) in the 17-24 age group. Additionally, there was a 16 per cent increase (5) in drivers aged 25 to 42 involved in fatal accidents compared to 2022.
The report also highlighted the grim fate of motorcyclists and pillion riders on the roads. In 2023, 108 per cent more motorcyclists lost their lives in accidents, accounting for 14 fatalities. The number of pillion riders who tragically died in accidents surged by an alarming 700% in 2023. Additionally, four minibus passengers lost their lives in accidents during 2023, compared to the previous year.
A thorough review conducted by the Guyana Police Force pinpointed speeding as the leading cause of these accidents. Alarming data revealed an 87% increase in speeding incidents in 2023 compared to the previous year. Driving under the influence was also found to be a contributing factor, though the number of accidents related to this cause decreased from four in 2022 to one in 2023.
On a positive note, pedestrian fatalities saw a 50% decline in 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, signifying a potential positive shift in road safety awareness and practices.
Despite the efforts to improve child safety on the roads, with a commendable 50% decrease in child fatalities in 2023 compared to 2022, the overall traffic statistics are a cause for concern.
As such, the Guyana Police Force in collaboration with other relevant authorities said they will intensify their efforts to address the surge in traffic accidents and fatalities.
They mentioned various safety campaigns and initiatives that could be considered, focusing on the promotion of responsible driving behaviours, adherence to speed limits, and the dangers of driving under the influence. Moreover, they are currently conducting comprehensive road safety education for all age groups which will play a crucial role in reducing the number of accidents.
As Guyana grapples with the alarming rise in traffic accidents and fatalities, there is an urgent need for collective action from citizens, authorities, and stakeholders to create safer roads for everyone. By addressing the root causes and implementing effective measures, the nation can pave the way for a future with reduced road accidents and tragedies.
In this light, the Home Affairs Ministry has been collaborating with stakeholders to develop a comprehensive action plan to reduce road accidents and fatalities by 50 per cent by 2030.
The National Assembly passed the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill in 2022, which aims to promote and enforce safe driving and impose higher penalties for serious infractions.
The National Road Safety Council’s financial resources have been boosted to over $11 million, aiding in sensitisation and reducing road accidents. The Ministry of Home Affairs is committed to providing evidence-based road safety knowledge and awareness programmes through advocacy, training, and education, to create a culture of safety among all road users, including young adults.
The Government is also upgrading roads and highways and installing lights and CCTV cameras at strategic points to improve infrastructure and safety.
Augmenting these efforts, the Traffic Department is intensifying efforts to prevent speeding and urges drivers to exercise caution on the roads, follow traffic laws and regulations, and maintain their vehicles regularly. Safe driving practices such as wearing seatbelts and avoiding distracted driving are emphasised.