…financing hospitals, EBD highway rehabilitation on agenda
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has signed several loan agreements with Guyana amounting to over US$200 million, which will go towards financing upgrades in the local health sector, climate resilience and small to medium business enterprises.

It was explained at the signing, which took place during the XI Annual Consultation of Caribbean Governors at the Hyatt Regency in Trinidad and Tobago, that up to US$160 million will be made available through a conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) and US$97 million in an individual loan will go towards financing healthcare improvements.
The second loan agreement of up to US$100 million will be for financing climate resilient infrastructure such as roads. Meanwhile, the third loan agreement is to support competitiveness and quality standards among micro, small and medium business enterprises. Up to U$8 million will go towards this.
Welcoming the agreements, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh said that they signify IDB’s status as a long-term development partner of Guyana.
“The strength of this partnership is evidenced by the three agreements we’re going to be signing today, making critical investments in three areas that go to the core of Guyana’s development agenda. The first is transport infrastructure which is absolutely critical. In particular, this project will support rehabilitation of the East Bank of Demerara highway, which is a major artery in Guyana, given the growth taking place in Guyana,” Dr Singh said.