Guyana’s AG visits Toronto City Hall

Guyana’s Attorney General, Basil Williams, paid a visit to Toronto City Hall on Thursday last, where he was received by the Hon. Jim Karygiannis, Councillor of Ward 39, Scarborough-Agincourt.
During their brief discussions, the Attorney General updated the Councillor on the developments in Guyana with regard to the new oil and gas sector and Guyana’s Green State Development Strategy.

Attorney General Basil Williams along with Hon. Jim Karygiannis, Councillor of Ward 39, Scarborough-Agincourt, and other officials during his visit

The Councillor warmly welcomed Williams to Toronto and to Toronto City Hall. He also recognised the contributions of Guyanese to the City of Toronto and the skills that they have brought with them.
After the brief discussions, the Attorney General signed the Toronto City Hall’s Guest Book, and was given a guided tour of City Hall. The visit to Toronto City Hall was organised by the Guyanese Community in Toronto, which was also represented at the meeting.