Home Letters Guyana’s economy not performing as well as Govt reported
Dear Editor,
The Guyana economy cannot be performing as well as the PNC-led APNU+AFC Government would like people to believe.
This is because people are struggling to pay their electricity bills, resulting in GPL having a deficit of $4.2 billion, as reported in the news article “GPL wallowing in $4.2B deficit” (Guyana Times, 15th August 2019).
As the economy worsens, Guyanese will have less disposable income, hence they will seek to cut back on their expenditure, as is happening. Never mind the alleged increase in GDP, as this has been eroded away by higher taxation and by the widening in the goods and services being taxed.
It is expected that GPL would finish the year with a $9.5 billion deficit, which is clearly a burden to taxpayers. Is the PNC-led APNU+AFC Government going to shutdown GPL as it downsized GuySuCo allegedly for being a burden on taxpayers? Clearly, Government needs to be consistent and “downsize” GPL.
Yours faithfully,
Sean Ori