Guyana’s political culture is not evolving fast enough

Dear Editor,
What we are dealing with here is a political culture that has been developed over 50 years of the PPP and PNC fighting each other. Both sides believe that they are right and only they have the solutions to Guyana’s problems.
Some would advocate that we need to rid ourselves of both the PPP and PNC to move forward, which is wishful thinking.
People in society are not listening to what is being said; they are just listening to what their side says without trying to understand the point-of-views being expressed by others.
You need to get the PPP and PNC to reconcile their differences and work for the betterment of all Guyanese. The alternative is a permanent divorce.
Until someone comes along who can make a greater impact on the political scene by eroding both the PPP and PNC support base then Guyanese are in for more of the same.
What about the AFC? Well, the AFC was formed with the intention of breaking away from the past, to fight the racial politics. But its strategy morphed into fighting to get into power. It sided with the PNC to get power only to now find itself powerless.
What needs to change?
Clearly something needs to change so that every Guyanese can feel included regardless of who is in power. What needs to be changed is that the PPP and PNC needs to publicly acknowledge that they do not singularly have the solutions to all of Guyana’s problems. And, that they need the other side’s real input.
This is not a proposition for shared governance, as the PPP and PNC still need to demonstrate that they can work together for the national good. Those who propose shared governance may get it only on paper.
Consensus politics is about working together, building trust, mutual understanding and mutual respect.

Yours Faithfully,
Sean Ori