Guyana’s sovereignty is non-negotiable

Dear Editor,
The treaty signed in 1899, which demarcates Guyana’s border with Venezuela, is non-negotiable, end of discussion! Recent moves by Venezuela to meet with President Ali, something I would call a dolling up to our president to get into some sort of a “negotiable settlement” on the border issue, is blocked. There is nothing to discuss, the matter is in the halls of the ICJ, let the International Court run its course.
Having any meeting outside of the judicial course undermines our case, and that is not going to happen.
News in, that Venezuelan-born Ralph Gonsalves is in his birth country to have discussions with Maduro, is of no interest to us either. Ralph, as well as the St Lucian Prime Minister, are all for the sweet deal of cheap oil, and that’s the reason for their soft approach to Maduro. They can sell their Caribbean birthright for oil, but we would not, for one minute, let our sovereign wealth be sold to Venezuela. Simply put, it is not going to happen.
In the first place, I was against the Argyle Meet, the resultant actions of Venezuela have showed Maduro’s true intent: try to sweet talk us into an agreement outside of the ICJ to eke a case for themselves. And I am saying again, that should not be allowed to take root here. So, they can talk their talk, have their meetings, we will not be part of it, Guyana’s sovereignty is non-negotiable.
Neil Adams