Home Letters Guyanese benefit from oil and gas should transcend political boundaries
Dear Editor,
I’ve seen news reports that Trinidadian-owned oil sector company RAMPS Logistics attempted to circumvent our Local Content laws using nefarious means.
One news entity reported, “Many persons have rejected the move to use a Trinidadian with decades-old Guyanese heritage to satisfy the requirement in the law as “fronting” or a “rent a citizen” arrangement.”
As a supporter of the opposition, A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC), I find it appalling that it would support the actions of a foreign company that are inimical to the interests of Guyanese and Guyanese-owned businesses. It is simply unpatriotic!
Though sad, the reality is that, as a Guyanese who is prepared to put the country first, I stand firm with the PPP/C Government, the Private Sector Commission, and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry on this one.
Trinidad has its own Local Content laws, which are strictly enforced and adhered to. Ensuring that Guyanese benefit from our oil and gas resources should transcend political boundaries.
I am deeply disappointed in the leadership of the APNU+AFC.
Annalise Humphrey
Kwakwani, Region 10