A Guyanese national residing in Antigua was on Wednesday evening killed execution style after masked gunmen invaded his property. The dead man has been identified as 43-year-old William Stewart of Darkwood, Orange Valley, Antigua.
According to the Antigua Observer, masked gunmen stormed the home of William Stewart and shot him dead.
The newspaper quotes Antigua Police Inspector Frankie Thomas as confirming that around 19:50h on the day in question, the 43-year-old man was at his home when several masked gunmen invaded his property.
The invaders reportedly bound Stewart and shot him several times in the torso. According to the Police, when officers and paramedics were called to the scene, Stewart was already dead.
While the gunmen appeared to have executed Stewart, a woman and a child who were also in the house at the time were unharmed. The latest shooting death is one more in a string of recent shootings by masked gunmen.
Attempts to contact the dead man’s relatives in Guyana proved futile.