Guyanese miner beheaded in Venezuela yet to be identified

The identity of a young Guyanese miner who was just over a week ago beheaded in Venezuela is yet to be determined.
According to the Police Public Relations Officer Jairam Ramlakhan, the deceased was incorrectly identified as Romaschindo of Horososo, Region One (Barima-Waini).
He revealed that Romaschindo, who is currently residing in Venezuela, recently made contact with his family.
The Guyanese miner met his demise when he was brutally beheaded by members of a ruthless gang in Venezuela known as the Sindicato.
The murder was made known when a graphic video of the killing went viral on Facebook.
In the video, the young miner who was bound had his ears sawn off by a man with a huge knife.
One of the killers, holding a machete, then repeatedly hacked at the young miner’s head as he writhed on the ground.
It was speculated that the killing occurred after the man demanded payment for his labour.
Following the killing, the National Toshaos Council (NTC) wrote a letter appealing to the Government to launch an investigation into the crime.
“Today, we call on the Government, through the offices of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Protection, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs to conduct a thorough investigation into this brutal act and to take the necessary steps to protect all our citizens from exploitation and murder, and to enhance security at our borders to better protect the vulnerable Indigenous peoples in border and mining communities.”