Guyanese must resist all threats and unite in our struggle for democracy

Dear Editor,
It is perhaps coincidental that the date of the penning of this missive coincides with the 47th anniversary of the July 16, 1973 death of the Ballot Box Martyrs, which clearly exemplifies the ultimate and supreme sacrifice of their lives in the struggle for free and fair elections.
Almost half of a century later, we will not forget Mr. Granger’s dirty role in their crucial sacrifice, which now continues to inspire our people’s demand that democracy must prevail in our dear country. The framework is now different, and it is clear that the cabal’s intention to manipulate our Police Force and military to support Granger’s conspiracy is failing to gain significant traction.
In a plain cyclical pattern, the tenure of the Granger-led regime, from its inception, has demonstrated a focus on the imposition of systems that are suppressive to the will of the Guyanese people. A look at events since the period following passage of the No-Confidence Motion would evidence the graduated desperate assault on the democratic tenets enshrined in the Constitution to preserve the rights of our citizens. Thanks to the continuous prudent scrutiny by the Leader of the Opposition and supporters, the timely counter of the key elements in their diabolic thieving plot were repeatedly exposed.
With almost every fraudulent effort placed under sustained scrutiny by the Opposition and supporting media, the thieving options for the Granger cabal became thinner. The cabal finally cracked under the immense pressure of keen attention, exposing the contamination of the CEO and his cohorts in the GECOM Secretariat. Their obvious connection with the extremely prejudiced APNU trio of Commissioners at GECOM served to advance the partisan interest of Mr. Granger’s party, but something soon had to give.
It has been more than five months since the General and Regional Elections were held on March 02, 2020, and likewise since Mr. Granger’s APNU cabal became aware that the overwhelming majority of citizens rejected them. We have since witnessed the cabal’s unleashing of the most callous, vulgar, and relentless public affront to the sane and rational minds in a 21st century setting of internet-based communication for the world to see.
Simultaneously, their propaganda agents scream “sovereignty” in a futile attempt to silence international criticisms.
Editor, I therefore find it prudent to emphasise that, according to Section 9 of the Guyana Constitution, “Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it through their representatives and democratic organs established by or under this Constitution.” It follows that the invitation of international interventions is not premised on the voice of Mr. Granger’s henchmen and women, but on the equally common voice of all who speak for democracy in this context.
Our citizens and the world at large have seen in full public view Mr. Granger and his cohorts’ unadulteratedly wicked attempts to trample on our citizens’ rights realising grave damage on the international image of our country. In so doing, his bulldogs have been uncaringly contemptuous and bullish to the nation’s needs in the face of a most threatening health crisis. This rogue clique continues to demonstrate absolute abuse of the Judicial Process, which the Judiciary MUST decisively put to a halt.
Consequently, there can no longer be any good faith in the establishment of an enabling environment for investors under the undignified smear of Mr. Granger’s naked exploitation.
The cabal seems oblivious to the fact that, under his dictatorial and bullish approach, Guyana faces threats of suspension or expulsion from almost every trading bloc or economic grouping, including our very own Caricom. This translates into obvious limitations in obtaining raw and intermediate materials for our factories, as well as the loss of current international markets.
Simply put, Mr. Granger’s rogue clique’s approach to power at all cost has set Guyana on a path that would swiftly maximise the loss of thousands of jobs through the closure of our main productive sectors. In such circumstances, even the tax authorities would have to lay off staff, given the likelihood of a significantly depleted tax base. Indeed, a future under this rogue cabal would be most frightening!
Of note, it is factual that emerging from the supporters of Mr. Granger are myriad fuel-filled tyrannical insults of unimaginable despotic filthiness. They target, and are abusive to, the intelligence of not only those competing parties who stood to challenge their glaring excessiveness against the naked ‘Truth and Justice,’ but also the will of Granger’s cabal to haul over a hot grill, all representing institutions that have served us as partners for decades of struggle in representing the same democratic cause.
It is despicable and unacceptable that Mr. Granger remains silent to these egregious overtures, initially pretending to be holy! Editor, the threats and propagandistic fear-mongering attempts will no longer frighten our people, whose minds have become steeled and sharper, given the indication by the riggers that they will not bend. Our people must draw strength from our strong and astute leadership and our fighting spirit in the PPP/C.
Further, the unflinching support of more than one hundred and seventy countries globally must serve to strengthen our resolve for victory.
The Guyanese people will always be grateful to our Caribbean friends and neighbours for their firm stance on peace and democracy, together with our global support in the fight against a dictator. The Granger rogue regime must be held accountable and globally condemned for their vexatious posture that holds our country at ransom. In this respect, we urge the strongest individual sanctions on the riggers, as the Guyanese people remain resolute and together in facing any threats as we await the swearing in of Dr Irfaan Ali as the ninth Executive President of Guyana.

Neil Kumar