Guyanese on a quest to become Covergirl on MAXIM Magazine

Guyana’s own Arielle Ming is on a mission to be featured as the Covergirl on the world-renowned magazine, MAXIM. Once she appears on the cover, she will earn herself US$25,000.

But she cannot do it by herself. She needs the support of her friends and family in Guyana and those from around the world. This Guyanese beauty feels she has what it takes to become the new face of MAXIM and needs your vote to get her closer to achieving her goal.

The first round of voting commenced on September 10, 2018, and will conclude on September 26. Once she makes it past the first round, she will enter another stage where she will compete with 30 other finalists. There, she is expected to bring her ‘A Game’.

All you need to do to vote for Ming is to visit and login with your Facebook account. Voting is FREE and may be done once a day until the end of the competition.

There is also the Warrior Vote which may be purchased. For each US dollar donated, the Guyanese beauty will get one vote. The proceeds go to the Homes for Wounded Warriors.

You can also follow her on Facebook as Arielle Ming and Instagram evolve_you_fitness for updates on her progress throughout the competition.