Guyanese people given an opportunity to fix a mistake

Dear Editor,
History will confirm that team Granger acted and operated in a manner that was totally incompetent, lazy and corrupt over the last 4 years and 5 months. The evidence will confirm that when it came to making decisions for the Guyanese people, team Granger was an absolute clown show. Thus, this statement from Mr David Granger that if he is re-elected, he will launch a “decade of development” starting in 2020. This is nothing but a continuation of this circus. To bolster my conclusion, let us reflect on the last 4 years and 5 months under Mr Granger’s rule (almost half of a decade). What has he done with this valuable time to help the Guyanese people?
In May 2015, if one is to read page 49 of the APNU/AFC Manifesto, it says clearly that the Prime Minister shall have responsibilities for “Domestic Affairs and Chairing the Cabinet”. Never done. How can you trust a man with such low integrity who even cons his own Prime Minister? What would such a man do to the ordinary Guyanese?
In May 2015, Mr Granger promised on page 13 of the APNU/AFC Manifesto, that he will “create vocational and business schools which will directly reduce the unemployment rate, especially among youth”. Like so many other empty promises, again not done! And there are dozens more of such empty promises that border on outright untruths after half of the decade. So why does Mr Granger believe that the people will trust him with a new decade to inflict even more policy damage on their human development?
The question that is on many people’s minds is this – is the Guyanese economy heading to the ICU over the next under 3 months under this clueless David Granger? The facts tell a story that even the best propagandist cannot wash away.
The table below measures the GNI per person. By definition, the Gross National Income (GNI) measures income earned that flows into a local economy only. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the other hand, measures the income earned within the country boundaries even if those funds are subsequently lifted out of the country to take overseas. So GDP includes all of Exxon spending on its Guyanese investments even if that cash ends up in Holland, USA, Singapore or Trinidad to develop those countries rather than Guyana. The facts will reveal that so far, less than 1.5 per cent of the spending on this Stabroek oil Block, actually landed in Guyana since 2015. So why all of this “hurrah” about “first oil”? There is nothing to celebrate for Guyana, cash-wise.
The table below computes the actual growth in the wealth of the people during three periods that were dominated by Jagdeo, Ramotar, and Granger. You, the reader, be the judge.
Any right-minded person will know that history shapes the future choices. After looking at the indicators of real growth in wealth for the average Guyanese, over the comparative 4-year periods under three different Presidents, why would anyone with an iota of sanity want to classify the Granger period as deserving four (4) more years? You have to be totally ridiculous to think this is what “backward never; forward ever” looks like?
There are four (4) fundamental questions to consider when voting in 2020:
1. Who has added more cash to the personal pocket of the average Guyanese?
2. Who has a track record of making empty promises and not delivering on those promises?
3. Who sat down and allowed the Guyanese economy to be taken into an economic ICU?
4. Who is clueless about how to resuscitate this economy?
History may suggest that team Granger was an electoral mistake, but what is clear is that March 2020 has given the Guyanese people an opportunity to fix this mistake. It is time to bring this parade of these policy lunatics to an end.

With regards
Sasenarine Singh