Just days before it goes down to the wire on CPL 2017, Digicel on Thursday announced that one lucky customer scored big by winning a trip to the finals, as
part of the company’s latest Quick Pick/Smart Bundles CPL promotion.
The winner is Guyanese Judy Rampersaud of Essequibo Coast, who was left in a state of complete disbelief upon receiving the great news.
In fact, Rampersaud’s exact reaction was “Really? What? No, man you lying; is this for real?” The young woman, along with three lucky persons of her choice, will be flying to Trinidad and Tobago, compliments of Digicel, to be part of the much-anticipated Hero CPLT20 Finals. The all-inclusive package includes round-trip airfares, hotel accommodation and ground transportation to and from the game as well as a stipend.
In addition to that, the crew of four will get to rub shoulders with the Soca King himself, Machel Montano, who will be performing live during Digicel’s Postgame Live concert on Saturday.
What is even more exciting is that the four, who are scheduled to travel from September 9-11, will have full VIP access and get to meet with Mr Fete himself.
Rampersaud won herself this once-in-a-lifetime experience by participating in the Quick Pick/Smart Bundles CPL promotion, in which customers were encouraged to activate a Digicel Smart bundle from August 11-31 for their chance to win.