As GuyExpo 2016 came to an end Sunday evening, several businesses expressed their satisfaction at the response from visitors.
Natasha who was representing the ND&S Furniture store explained that as the four-day event came to a close, she was very pleased with the result of their boot’s marketing strategies. “So far with the Expo, a lot of persons have shown interest in our products as well as given us good feedback because of the great quality of products that we have offered. We’re expecting to do a whole lot better the next time,” she stated.
A visitor signs on the walls of the GuyExpo “Jubilee Selfie Booth”
Michael Stewart, a pharmacist with New Guyana Pharmaceutical Company (New GPC) related that the exhibition was a success as it saw many persons becoming more familiar with the company’s products: “Initially, in the first few days there was a bit of a slow flow with the number of persons coming in. But we found that in the last two days, there was a greater turn out. Our booth was strategically placed in such a way that as long as you came into the big tent, you would pass by and have easier access to the booth.”
Asher Seaforth, a representative of Gizmos and Gadgets revealed that through the Expo, the store was able to broaden its customer base, especially coming down to the closing date, saw a large number of persons visiting the booth to take advantage of the promotions: “Things were slow at first, but coming down to the last few days we had hundreds of persons visiting the booth to get in on our low prices as well as the trade-in option.”
Avalon Jagnandan, the Marketing and Sales Manager of Continental Agencies Limited related that the Expo has given the company a great opportunity to familiarise consumers with their products: “Tonight, the response has been very good to our signature brands, particularly Sunburst Juices, Sujata Curry Powder and Torginol Paints. We’ve had a number of promotions on our products and the response has been overwhelming. It has been far better than we would have initially expected.”
Eon Veira of Dyna’s Embroidery explained that they too had a great turnout, far beyond their expectations: “We’ve had a great response this year at GuyExpo, this being our fourth year at the Expo. We’ve had a great turnout and an even greater response, especially with the Jubilee Coffee mugs which had been going pretty fast.”
First time participant Fernandez Bread Box stated that the event was momentous for them as the support and response from visitors over the four-day period was vast: “We have received excellent reviews of our products and the traffic passing through here…I can’t complain, it’s enormous,” she stated, adding that they did not have enough representatives to cater to the great demand for their products.
Meanwhile, visitors to the exhibition expressed satisfaction with the quality of the displays and products offered, some saying it came “bigger and better this year” while others stated that it lacked in comparison to previous years.
“It’s not my first year; I’ve seen much more variety in previous years when compared to this year. Nevertheless, I am satisfied ‘cause the promotions are great and the atmosphere is greater,” Anjalie Singh exclaimed.