GuySuCo moving forward

Dear Editor,
I would like to commend Mr Sasenarine Singh and the new team at the helm of GuySuCo for implementing a practical and proactive procurement system. I believe Mr Singh’s futuristic leadership skills are creating a progressive sugar industry.
Previously, procurement of spares was a defective process spanning over two crops, or one year. Sometimes it extended beyond a year, thus resulting in major losses to the corporation.
At the moment, spares are readily available to all functioning estates within a matter of days, and recovery time is at its best. Productivity, efficiency and internal goals have become accomplishable with less down time. GuySuCo is in prudent hands.
Special thank you to our President, His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali; Vice-President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, and CEO of GuySuCo, Mr Sasenarine Singh, for believing in Guyana and GuySuCo.
