The Guyana Volleyball Federation (GVF) has partnered with the Samaritan Sports Support System in an effort
to introduce volleyball to primary schools through teachers. The program which commenced on Monday June 6 is scheduled to last for one week and it is aimed at targeting 30 primary schools throughout Georgetown.
The course which will be facilitated by Federation coaches runs daily at the National Developmental Center on Wolford Avenue and the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue, will see teachers learn the basic theoretical and practical aspects of the game to a level that they are able to begin programs in their respective schools.
The president of the Guyana Volleyball Federation, Mr. John Flores, expressed that his Federation was extremely pleased to be given the opportunity to take the game to the primary schools because he understands that for proper long term development to occur, children need to start being exposed to the sport from a tender age.
Flores explained that the Samaritan Sport Support System which is lead by Mr. Robert Sam, is a local Christian body that have been partnering with various sporting federations in an effort to help alleviate depression and the exposure to negative activities through sports in schools, communities and religious groups. The connection was made through the National Sports Commission, whom the Samaritan group made initial contact with before they were directed to the GVF.
The Guyana Volleyball Federation is currently engaging in international competitions for players as young as 14 and Flores expressed that the introduction of the game at this level will definitely be a boost to a school program already started by the Demerara and Berbice Volleyball Associations.
The program is expected to continue with the inclusion of more schools in the near future as the newly formed partnership intends to take volleyball throughout the length and breadth of Guyana in an effort to help youths to utilize their energies in a more positive avenue. The primary aim of the Samarian Sports Support System is to help develop the game of volleyball as is the primary mandate of the Guyana Volleyball Federation.