GWI awards $1.4M in bursaries to 32 students who excelled at NGSA

The 32 students displaying their bursary awards

Thirty-two students were on Wednesday awarded bursaries by the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) worth $1.4 million in recognition of their outstanding performance at the last National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA).
The presentation held at GWI’s headquarters at Shelter Belt, Georgetown, was attended by Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal and senior company officials and parents.
Among the awardees were students who secured spots at top secondary schools such as the Bishops High School, St Stanislaus College, St Joseph High, Christ Church Secondary, Bush Lot Secondary, and Abram Zuil Secondary.
Addressing the gathering, Minister Croal congratulated the students on excelling at the NGSA and used the opportunity to urge their parents to pay keen interest to their children’s education.

Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal presents a prize to awardee Kathleya Bacchus

Meanwhile, the students were also encouraged to explore studies in oil and gas and engineering, among others.
“The field in which you will choose the subject area that you will pursue, the goals that you want to achieve, it’s much wider now than when we had our opportunities. It was limited then. But now, we want, particularly, we’re a customer, yes, the business field, the accounting field, etc. But we also want more of you to get into science, technology, and anything that’s maths related,” Croal encouraged.
Further, he emphasised the importance of paying maximum attention to English and Mathematics, pointing out that these two key subjects were vital for employment and matriculation at the university level.
Moreover, he appealed to the students to continue to do well in school and focus on what they want to become and avoid bad company.
“Work hard. So, anything that you are embarking on, whether it’s your school, whether it’s your extracurricular activities, which would mean sports, and in some schools, they have other activities, including development for yourself so that would mean even acting, even debating, etc, impromptu speaking, as mentioned. Yes, we used to do it on the stage. Anything that you are embarking on, try to do it to the best of your ability. And once you do it to the best of your ability, you will be satisfied that you’re giving your best, and I’m sure most times you will have the optimum output, because once you put in hard work, the result of hard work, you will see that,” he added.
GWI’s Human Resources Director, Elvis Jordan also addressed the gathering, emphasising that education was the key to a bright future. He added that GWI supported the future of the children of its employees.
“We are happy as a company that we can play our role with this small gesture, because it’s very important for us as a company to give back to our employees and by extension their kids. I just want to encourage you as you move ahead in your secondary education to continue to be focused, for your journey has just begun… You are not too young to understand what is happening in the country in terms of the massive development that is taking place, and there is room and opportunity that will become available for all of you,” Jordan shared.
GWI awards bursaries not only to employees’ children who obtained placement at the top secondary schools but to every employee’s child who attained a secondary school at the NGSA.
The bursaries are awarded to children of employees throughout the country. (G1)