Dear Editor,
The record poor performances at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) from June 2015 to May 2017 should not come as a surprise to this nation. It is directly related to leadership of the Corporation. The present Interim Management Committee is made up of individuals who are tested and proven failures and whose names are synonymous with disruptions, low production and low productivity.
To better understand performance of GuySuCo over the last two years, it is instructive to examine the recent history of leadership at GuySuCo as there are linkages. By the end of 2008, the Government of Guyana ended a management contract with Booker Tate, a UK company that was managing the industry since 1991. The end of that contract precipitated an immediate vacancy for a CEO and Mr Errol Hanoman was sought for that role. He negotiated a lucrative package having retired from Booker Tate around the same time. In effect, Mr Hanoman, a pensioner, became the first “local” CEO after the Booker Tate era. He led the Corporation from 2009 to mid-2010 when he ceased to be the holder of the position. In the years 2009 and 2010, GuySuCo produced 233,736t and 220,818t of sugar respectively. The Corporation recorded a decline in sugar production by 12,918t. At his departure in mid-2010, Mr Hanoman was replaced by Mr Paul Bhim as CEO (ag). He led the Corporation until mid-2014 when he tendered his resignation. For the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, sugar production was 236,506t, 218,069t, 186,754t and 216,359t respectively. In 2013, under Mr Bhim’s stewardship, GuySuCo’s production sunk to 186,754t.
Editor, it follows that whenever Mr Hanoman and Mr Bhim are at the controls, there was declining and record low production. It cannot be attributed to any other factor other than phenomenal incompetence by the Hanoman and Bhim coalition. The focus on these two men is because they have been brought back to the helm of the industry in mid-2015 and we are witnessing abysmal performance of the industry as is demonstrated in last year production of 183,652t sugar and what would be when the first crop production of 2017 is declared, the lowest production in many years. By the way, Mr Hanoman seems to be in hiding since December 2015 when he paraded with production numbers of 231,000t sugar seeking every media outfit to claim credit. The two crops that were produced were nurtured and developed in 2014.
Yours sincerely,
Sookram Persaud