Harmon must be held accountable

Dear Editor,
All the acts of violence that resulted in the aftermath of PNC election losses in the past have been well documented and are well known, so I need not repeat.
This is the way they operate:
Within an hour of the discovery of the bodies of these two young men, the PNC activists were in the area stirring up racial trouble, and they were immediately on social media. I was so surprised at how quickly they mobilised, that for a moment I wondered if this was a set up.
Harmon’s concubine, Nicole Telford, who was one of the ghost workers at the Office of the President under the APNU/AFC Government, was very active on FB, pushing the racist agenda, and even calling on other PNC areas to join in. Check their social media feeds. I have screen shots in case they take down their racial incitement.
This will be the modus operandi of the PNC under Harmon. Volda and all the rest can cry crocodile tears now, but it may be too late. She has no standing anyway; Harmon is the head honcho.
When the horror of these murders emerged, my reaction was that those who did this are monsters. They are not animals, as animals do not behave like this; they are monsters. With a monster’s mindset, the nationality of the boys would not have mattered. No one who can do something so horrific can be human; they have neither heart nor soul.
I salute the father of one of the deceased boys, who spoke out about the racist link. He is a true patriot, and I extend heartfelt condolences to the family. Be strong; the nation, minus Joe Harmon, mourns with you.

Reds Campbell