Harmon must think Lindeners are not able to recognise foolishness

Dear Editor,
If you tell a barefaced lie long enough, and no one objects, the public is likely to believe you. That is the saying in Guyana and further afield.
Therefore, the number two man-turned-Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon, told yet another lie, hoping it would go down well with Lindeners, who are upset and outraged with the APNU+AFC regime. He couldn’t be more wrong, as Lindeners learned the truth from Public Affairs Minister Kwame Mc Coy.
Harmon told the APNU+AFC propaganda outfit “Village Voice” that when his coalition Government was in power, it had most of the critical groundwork completed and was about to return the assets alongside ownership of the Linden TV Station (Channel 13) to Lindeners. He appears to be saying that the coalition had been delayed because of “paperwork”.
What is even more interesting now is that he is calling for the Irfaan Ali Administration to fulfill the coalition’s promise it made more than six years ago when it campaigned in Linden at the election. This, too, was after the coalition used the violence which erupted in the mining town to force the hand of the then Donald Ramotar Government to make a pact in 2012, as I understand it, just for peace and an end to violence, and for the budget to pass in Parliament.
Harmon must think that people of Linden are not able to recognise foolishness when they hear and they see it. He must think that Lindeners are ignorant and unintelligent. Maybe he still thinks that he has the ability to lie to us like he did when he was the State Minister, and then change his mouth when the going got tough.
I am a proud son of the mining community, and I am no party or APNU+AFC yes man. I call it as I see it, and as it indeed is. Harmon had about 4 and a half years to get that one thing done for Lindeners. He could’ve used all of his limited vocabulary and 3 postings he had in Government to get this done. Even at the last minute, he had the 5 month-long period after March 2nd, 2020 to get this thing signed and delivered to the people of Region 10. He never did.
This is an example of APNU+AFC’s deceit, and how they broke all their promises and neglected ordinary Guyanese after they got into office in 2015. We were fooled to think that they had transferred the TV station to the people of Linden.
He’s a hypocrite who used us, Lindeners, to get power, and then threw us by the wayside.
Because the facts are showing that “slow paperwork” didn’t prevent them from transferring tens of acres of State land all over the country to their rich businessmen cronies.
Harmon is seeking to “kerfuffle” Lindeners, as the evidence points to “a lack of any audit or financial arrangement”, according to Minister McCoy. McCoy is quoted as saying, “I am still looking for the 2012 Agreement, which could be helpful to this situation, and until such time when I myself could have clarity, then I will be able to move further than I can at this time.” He, however, maintained that the television station remains that of NCN.
What a shame!!! The coalition better believe they will face hot fire for fooling us and reneging on all the promises they made. I don’t care what you say now, Mr Harmon, you had 5 full years to do it, and you blame the “slow process”?
I should blame everything on the “slow process” when it’s time to vote again. Lindeners better get some sense before they bare their souls out and put their feet to the fire for these “Kavakamites” that parade themselves as honourable men.

Brian Azore