“He lived for bikes” – sister of 26-year-old biker killed in EBD crash

Domall Trim, a 26-year-old biker, tragically lost his life on Sunday evening after his motorcycle crashed into a motor lorry on the Mc Doom Public Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
The fatal accident occurred about 21:35h, in the vicinity of the Guyana Shore Base Inc (GYSBI).

Deceased: Domall Trim

Police investigations revealed that Trim, who hailed from Bel Air Village, Georgetown, was riding his motorcycle while motor lorry GAE 2805, owned by the Guyana Shore Base, was driven by 24-year-old Nickell Higgins of Sparendaam Housing Scheme on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD).
The lorry driver was proceeding east on Rome Access Road with intent to cross the Mc Doom Public Road. As the lorry

The intersection where the fatal accident occurred

approached Mc Doom Public Road, the traffic rank at the junction stopped all the vehicles that were proceeding South and North on both carriageways, giving the driver the greenlight to proceed.
However, while the lorry was crossing the eastern carriageway, a group of motorcyclists – including Trim – were proceeding south on the eastern drive lane.
The motorcyclists pulled to the eastern side of the road, navigating alongside the stationary vehicles and started proceeding at a fast pace, overtaking the line of traffic.
Trim’s motorcycle collided with the rear portion of the motor lorry, causing him to fall to the road surface and skid into the rear right wheel of the lorry.
As a result, the motorcyclist sustained injuries to his body. He was picked up in a semi-conscious condition and transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty for multiple injuries to the body. He died while receiving treatment.
At his family’s residence, Tekesha Trim – his sister – shared that she was awakened and alerted that her brother was involved in an accident. Without hesitation, she arrived at the Hospital, but by then, her brother was unresponsive.
“My husband woke up and said that my brother’s boss called. He said he [Trim] was in an accident and they’re taking him down to the Hospital. I tried to make a few phone calls to find out which hospital. I immediately went down the road and when I got there, I saw my brother lying on the bed and the doctors were around him just trying to work on him.”
She continued, “He was already seeking medical attention when I got there and they just told me to wait outside because he’s not responding.”

Avid lover of bikes
According to Tekesha, her brother, who worked as a supervisor for a construction company, was an avid lover of bikes. At the time of the accident, the now-deceased man was returning home after spending time with friends in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara).
“He loved biking. He lived for biking. He lived his life. Biking was his thing and his passion. He didn’t even have that bike that long,” she shared.
She added that it was just recently that he acquired the motorcycle which resulted in his demise. The young man was also days away from celebrating his birthday.
The grieving sister expressed, “He was my person. He was my right hand. Everybody knows the type of relationship that we had and that we shared. He was my go-to person. He was a jovial, hardworking, kind-spirted person.”
Meanwhile, the body is currently at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Mortuary, where a post-mortem examination is expected on Wednesday. Police are continuing their investigation and analysing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage of the crash. (G12)