‘Heaven’ helps the citizens of Georgetown

Dear Editor,
Here we go again! City Hall in the news. Do you think it is for something positive like fixing the roads, or improving street lighting, or commissioning a new state of the art Abattoir and meat processing facility? Of course not. It is about them facilitating, condoning and attempted a cover up of a dreadful crime against a juvenile.
The Town Clerk would like the citizens to believe that one day, whilst conducting an unrelated meeting in his office, someone sent the juvenile victim in the ‘Sex and the City’ case without prior notification to see him, who was allowed in without any let or hindrance, and all he – the Town Clerk did, was ask the youngster his name and age and then sent the boy on his way. Oh boy, Oh boy!
Has any member of the public ever tried to meet with the Town Clerk? And was that person successfully able to meet with him just like that? Or did they have to try and try and try again? Is having the victim visit him in his office and interrogating him even if it were just two questions, not a meeting and an interview?
But the question is why did it take approximately three weeks to bring the matter before the Legal Affairs Committee and two months before bringing the matter to the attention of the police. And he has the audacity to say that he finally contacted the police in order to “preserve the good name and image” of the City Council. Yes you read correctly, to “preserve the good name and image” of the Georgetown City Council. Now this is no time for the Town Clerk to be making sick jokes like that. The Georgetown Municipality must have the worst reputation in the world.
This is the same man, the Town Clerk who objected to a City Councillor approaching and asking one of his children a question about him, but he is free to question other people’s children who are victims of a sex crime. How funny?
The depravity of the Council came out in the suggestion by the Mayor that the whole of the downstairs needs reorganising. One has to assume that she is referring to the lower level of staff occupying the ground floor. But what about the upstairs? Does the Town Clerk not need to go on his accrued leave? Those preventing an effective audit being carried out at the Council don’t need to be gotten rid of? Do the Human Resource Department officials who failed to interdict the offending Lance Corporal but who kept him on the job, not need to have disciplinary measures taken against them?
Heaven helps the Citizens of Georgetown!

Jermain Johnson