Hermonstine is new AAG President

Sheryl Hermonstine will take the reins of the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) following the hosting of the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, March 16; when the highly anticipated elections were conducted.
According to a missive from the AAG, the meeting was set to cover the necessary business items, including financial report, subcommittee reports, the election of new office bearers and some constitutional issues.

A look at the newly elected AAG Executive (Newsroom Photo)

The election was conducted by the Returning Officer, Attorney-At-Law, Ms Emily Dodson in the presence of observers, President of the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA)Godfrey Munroe and member of the National Sports Commission (NSC) Christy Campbell.
While Hermonstine was elected President of the AAG, she will be deputized by renowned Coach Mark Dcott and Mayfield Taylor- Trim who were elected first and second Vice- President respectively.
The complete AAG Executive reads:
President- Ms. Sheryl Hermonstine
1st Vice President- Mr. Mark Scott
2nd Vice President- Ms. Mayfield Taylor-Trim
Treasurer- Mr. Dwayne Carter
Assistant Treasurer- Mr. Niall Stanton

Committee members:
Mr. Thelson Williams
Dr. Ariana Mangar
Mr. Osafa Dossantos
Mr. Tyrone Smith
Ms. Towanna McCalmon