Herstelling murder suspects remanded

Dead Terry Lackhan
Dead Terry Lackhan
David Outar and Patrick Ross
David Outar and Patrick Ross

The men accused of killing a Herstelling man in July were on Wednesday remanded to prison when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

David Outar, 24, of Lot 269 Foulis, East Coast Demerara; and Patrick Ross, 27, of Lot 107 First Street, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD), were not required to plea to the charge which stated that on July 21, 2016, at Herstelling, EBD, they murdered Terry Lackhan during the course of a robbery.

They both appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. The prosecution informed the court that its file was still incomplete, and as such, the case was adjourned to October 25.

Reports are that the lifeless body of 55-year-old Lackhan was discovered by a neighbour on the night of July 21, 2016, shortly after a male was reportedly seen exiting the man’s Herstelling home with several bags.  The father of one was a Manager at Gafsons Industries Limited.

Reports are that his lifeless body was found next to a wardrobe with rope tied around his neck. Several bottles of tablets and photographs of his family were also found close to him.

From all evidence, the duo was attempting to stage the scene to make it appear as if the victim took his own life. They were later arrested and charged with the offence.