Hinterland communities to have 100% access to potable water by 2025 – Min Croal
Residents of Warapoka, in the Moruca sub-region, Region One (Barima-Waini) have been assured that they will benefit from improved access to potable water, the Government’s Hinterland Housing Programme, and every other area of development.
This was a commitment made by Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal, during a community meeting in that village on Monday. The Minister was accompanied by Regional Chairman Brentnol Ashley, Vice Chair Annansha Peters, and other regional officials.
Minister Croal in discussion with residents of Warapoka
Speaking on the delivery of potable water to hinterland regions, the Minister pointed out that currently, only 53 per cent of the four hinterland regions have access to potable water.
“By 2025, we are aiming for 100 per cent access, we have five wells that are slated to be drilled this year in Region One, and in fact, there is a rig that will be here in April.”
He added that this year, in excess of $200 million will be spent for improved service delivery in the region.
The Minister also spoke of Government’s plans to transform hinterland communities through massive infrastructure development projects including improved healthcare services and education delivery.
Residents were also informed by the Regional Chairman of plans to supply their community with its own electricity supply by way of a generator set in the coming months.
A number of other issues within the education, health, and sports sector were also raised by residents who asked for representation to be made to the respective Ministers. The Minister and team also held a similar meeting at Santa Rosa where residents also heard of the development plans and were given the opportunity to raise concerns.